To view a submission you will want to go to your course in and select the correct assignment by clicking the View link.
You will be brought to the submissions page where you will see all your students submission. To view a submission all you need to do is either click on the name or the percent under similarity report.
When you click on either the name of the submission or the similarity report percent you will be brought to a page that looks like this.
The bottom left will have the word count.
The top right will contain the choices for Annotation, Similarity Report and AI detection.
The first three icons in the red square in the screenshot above are for annotating the students submission.
The following 5 icons in the black square are used to check if the submission has any similarity to any other submitted item.
The final Icon in the blue square is used for AI detection. This will let you know if Turnitin suspects AI usage. Please note this feature is not all too accurate. The submission Ode to Cookies.docx I had chatgpt write for me for testing purposes and Turnitin only suspects 86% of it was written by AI. So you will need to scrutinize the students work.
When you click on the AI icon in blue the AI report page pops up allowing you to view and scrutinize what it suspects as AI usage. Turnitin's AI detection disclaimer is on the bottom right of the page, that will tell you the tool is not always accurate.