This guide demonstrates the process of copying individual items from one course to another, but it also works for multiple items as well. While this method is optimal for transferring specific content, please refer to the Import Course Content guide for copying all content within courses.
The copy feature allows instructors to copy content between courses. Please note that this functionality is exclusively available to users with the Instructor role.
For demonstration purposes, an item named “Sample test copy item,” its associated unit, and gradebook item will be copied to another course from the syllabus unit.
The unit to be copied is pictured below.
The gradebook items to be copied are pictured below.
- Begin by accessing the source course (containing the item to be copied). Click Course Admin from the navbar and then click Course Offering Information.
- Then, identify the course name. This step may be skipped if you already know the course name.
- Within the destination course (where the item will be copied), click Course Admin from the navbar and then click Import/Export/Copy Components under the “Site Resources” section.
- Select the Search for Offering button.
- When the search page appears, search for the source course name.
- Click the Search button, and ensure the radio button is selected for the source course, then click the Add Selected button.
- You will be redirected to the “Import/Export/Copy Components” page again and the source course now appears. Click the Select Components button.
- If you have previously copied content from the source course, a confirmation prompt will appear; select the Yes button to continue.
- From the “Choose Components” page, carefully select the specific item to copy. Important Note: This step requires precise selection to avoid unnecessary content transfer that would require manual deletion. To copy the assignment, unit, and gradebook item, select the "Content", "Assignments", and "Grades" checkboxes, ensuring that Select Individual items to copy is selected for each component to prevent bulk copying. When copying documents such as syllabi, Word documents, PDFs, or similar documents, remember to select Course Files as well.
- Each selected component will be presented on its own page sequentially. Important Note: Begin with individual item selection rather than category selection to prevent unintended bulk copying, as selecting a category automatically includes all items within it.
Continue through each page, maintaining consistent selection to ensure only desired items are copied.
- On the final page, review and adjust the dates associated with the copied items before clicking the Finish button to complete the process.
- You will be redirected to the “Copy Course Components History” page where the copy operation will begin processing.
- Once the copy process is complete, the copied items are available in the destination course.
- It is important to note that when you copy over an item and a unit they will not get added to the same unit, Brightspace will never replace something with a copy, it will always append the copy to the end. You will need to drag and drop the item you just copied over to the unit you want it in.
Afterwards you can then delete the now empty unit we just copied over by pressing the ellipsis on the right hand side.