The Quiz Questions Converter is a tool that will take text and convert it into a CSV format so that you can import questions into your Questions Library in your Brightspace course.
Self-enrollment URL:
- To access the Quiz Converter tool you will want to enroll yourself into the course. To do so go to the Discover tab in your homepage's Navbar.
- You will want to select the Quiz Question Converter course.
- You will then want to click on "Enroll in Course"
- You will get a confirmation that you have been enrolled in the course.
- You will find the course under the "My Course" widget in your Brightspacce homepage, or by clicking on the waffle icon.
- Once you are in the Quiz Question Converter course you will want to select the content tab in the course Navbar.
- In the content tab you will see a unit called Quiz Question Converter, you wil want to expand that unit by clicking on it to view the Quiz Questions Converter tool.
- When you click on the activity Quiz Question Converter you will see a box you can paste or type your questions in. Each question will be formatted differently.
Here are some examples of the different question formats.
For true and false you will write the question on a single line and the answer on the following line.EX)
1. Fire is hot.
- For multiple choice questions you will want to write the questions on a single line and the response choice on the following lines, each choice needs to be on its own line, with the correct answer having an asterisk * in front of the answer
2. Which of these is the largest number?
4 - For multiple select questions you will want to write the question on a single line, and the response choice on the following lines, each choice needs to be its own line with the correct answers having asterisks * in front of them.
3. Which of these are prime numbers?
4 - For written response questions you will want to write the question on a single line, and leave the following line blank, you will not write a response choice for these types of question. Brightspace cant auto grade these question types.
4. What is your favorite color? - For short answer questions, you will want to write the question on a single line, but you will want to add the initials SA with one space before the question, and leave the following line blank, you will not write a response for these types of questions. Brightspace cant auto grade these question types.
SA 5. What is your favorite thing about my class? -
For matching questions, you will want to write the question on a single line but you will want to add the word match with one space before the question, each response needs to be in its own line, but you will separate the choice and its correct answer with a forward slash (/) make sure there is one space on either side of the slash. Brightspace will randomize the choice and options.
In this example the last sound neigh will not have an animal, this will make it so there are 4 choices with only 3 correct answers.
Match 6. Match the sound made with the animal that makes the sound.
Cow / Moo
Dog / Bark
Cat / Meow
/ Neigh
For ordering type questions, you will want to type the word order before the question with one space, you will then need to list the answers in the correct order with each answer on its own line. Brightspace will randomize the order when viewing the questions in the quiz.
order 7. Order the following numbers from smallest to largest.
If you want to add feedback to any true or false question on separate lines you will add T@@ for feedback if the response choice is true, or F@@ if the response choice is false.
1. Fire is hot.
F@@Incorrect fire is indeed hot.
If you want to add feedback to any multiple choice, multi-select and ordering questions all you need to do is underneath the response choice on its own line is add two @@ symbols followed by the feedback.
3. Which of these are prime numbers?
@@1 is not a prime
@@correct 2 is a prime
@@correct 11 is a prime
@@4 is not a prime.
Once you have finish adding your questions, you will want to configure the point total, and then press the green convert button.
After the conversion is done which may take some time depending on how many questions you add, you will automatically download the CSV you will use to import.
To see how to import a CSV into the questions Library please see CSV Import