If you have any issues with Multi-Factor Authentication, forget/lose your verification device, do not have a device that is compatible with these verification options or have any questions at all, please call the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790 or email us at itshelp@aurora.edu
Okta MFA
When you sign in to aurorauniversity.okta.com for the first time in a day, using a new browser, or using an incognito/private browser window, you will be prompted to verify the login attempt. This process is known as multi-factor authentication (MFA). Please expand the instructions below to learn how to configure MFA.
Choosing Which Factor to Use During Login
If you previously set up multiple factors, you can select which authentication factor to use. It will default to your most recently used factor. After you enter your credentials, click the down arrow next to the factor type to select another option. Note: If you only set up one factor, you will not see the arrow.
Select the verification option you would like to configure
Logging in with Okta Verify
- In a browser, go to aurorauniveristy.okta.com
- Type in your Aurora University username and password then click Sign In.
- Click Send Push to receive a prompt on your phone.
- Check the box to Send push automatically if you would like to eliminate this step.
- Check the box to Send push automatically if you would like to eliminate this step.
- You will receive a push notification on your phone. Open the Okta Verify app if you do not immediately see the prompt. Tap Yes, It’s Me to verify the login attempt.
Logging in with Google Authenticator
- In a browser, go to aurorauniversity.okta.com
- Type in your Aurora University username and password then click Sign In.
- Open the Google Authenticator app on your phone.
- Enter the 6-digit code displayed in the app then click Verify.
Logging in with SMS Authentication
- In a browser, go to aurorauniversity.okta.com
- Type in your Aurora University username and password then click Sign In.
- Click Send Code.
- Enter the 6-digit code you received from the text message then click Verify.