If you require assistance with a Hybrid Classroom beyond the scope of this quick-start guide, please call the ITS Helpdesk at (630) 844-5790
Logitech Meetup System
- Ensure both the classroom computer (Podium PC) and the LogitechMeetup System (the Logitech) are powered on. You will see an indicator light at the rim of the camera when the Logitech is on.
- Log in to Zoom from the podium PC at aurora.zoom.us to start the Zoom class session (Chrome or Firefox are the preferred browsers).
To learn more about logging in to zoom, please see our documentation here: Zoom Quick Start - Before starting the Zoom recording from the Zoom meeting on the podium PC, open the video settings from the lower menu options in the Zoom window, and ensure the Logitech Group Camera is selected.
- If you would like to use the Document camera located on the podium, please ensure the document camera is on and change the camera input to the name of the document camera. For Some, this will be ELPDC## (Where ## is two numbers), while others will be called ELMO or similar depending on the document camera type. Click the up arrow next to the video button on the zoom toolbar and select the correct input.