Note: This Tutorial requires Zoom Waiting Rooms. By Default, all meetings have waiting rooms turned on. If not, see our article Here! to learn how to enable them!
Enabling or disabling Waiting Room during a meeting
- As the meeting host, click Participants.
- Click More at the bottom of the participants' window and choose Put Attendee in Waiting Room on Entry to enable or disable the feature.
Admitting participants during a meeting
- As the meeting host, click Manage Participants.
- Click Admit to have the participant join the meeting.
Admit all participants from the Waiting Room
- As the meeting host, click Manage Participants.
- Click Admit all.
Sending participants to the Waiting Room during a meeting
- As the meeting host, click Manage Participants.
- Click More next to the participant's name and choose Put in Waiting Room.
Customizing the Waiting Room
You can customize the Waiting Room title, logo, and description.
- Log in to Okta
- Click "Zoom" from the dashboard
- Select Settings from the menu on the left
- Click "Customize Waiting Room"
This will open the Waiting Room customization options.
- Title: Click the pencil next to "Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon." to update the meeting title. Click the checkmark (✓) when you are done.
Note: Titles are limited to 64 characters. - Logo: Click the pencil icon to upload a logo.
Note: Logos can be in GIF, JPG or PNG format. They cannot exceed 1MB. The minimum height and width is 60px and the maximum is 400px. - Description: Click Add waiting room description to add a description to the Waiting Room. Click ✓ when you are done.
Note: The description is limited to 400 characters.
- Title: Click the pencil next to "Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon." to update the meeting title. Click the checkmark (✓) when you are done.
- Click Close when you are done.
- Participants will see your custom Waiting Room branding when they join the meeting.