Printing—Copying—Scanning Instructions
Card Authentication
Swipe your Aurora University ID card on the printer’s card reader
If You Do Not Have your Card, Use Active Directory Authentication
1. Press AD Login in the lower right hand corner of the screen
2. Tap the empty field next to User Name.
3. The onscreen keyboard will appear. Enter your Aurora University username.
4. Select the OK key.
5. Tap the empty field next to Password
6. The onscreen keyboard will appear. Enter your password. Select the OK key.
7. Press Login
8. If your account is associated with multiple Cost Centers, select the Cost Center associated with the job you are working on and click Login.
Starting your Job(s)
1. Select Secure Print.
2. All of the jobs that you have held within your secure print queue will be displayed.
3. Select jobs individually by touching the job name.
4. Once selected, tap the Print + Delete icon to print out the selected jobs.
5. Once printed, the jobs will automatically purge from your print queue. If you would like to keep the jobs in the queue longer to print again, select Print + Keep.
To Copy or Scan
Simply select Copy or Scan and Send after authentication