In some instances, students may not submit their quizzes or exams in Brightspace. It's important to note that quizzes and exams are not automatically submitted when the time limit expires unless specified in the quiz settings. When a student has not submitted their quiz or exam, an open attempt remains. They cannot submit the open attempt unless multiple attempts are allowed for the quiz or exam. However, as an instructor, you can submit the exam on their behalf.
To submit a quiz or exam for a student:
- Navigate to Quizzes in the course navbar, then select the Manage Quiz tab.
- Locate the relevant quiz, click the drop-down menu arrow, and choose Grade.
- Click the Attempts tab and select Show Search Options to change the search filter settings.
- In the Restrict To drop-down menu, choose Attempts in Progress. Apply the filter by clicking the magnifying glass search icon.
- Identify the student with the in-progress quiz and click the icon depicting two people with an arrow.
- A confirmation message will appear that reads, "You are about to enter this quiz as this user. Are you sure you want to proceed?" Click Yes.
- Locate and click the Submit Quiz button. Note that you need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the button.
- When prompted to confirm the quiz submission, click the Submit Quiz button again.
- Upon confirmation, the quiz or exam attempt will be moved to the completed attempts section of your quizzes page.