Self-enrollment in a Brightspace course enables students to enroll themselves in your course.
1. Click Course Admin in the navbar from your course.
2. From the "Course Administration" page, click Course Offering Information.
3. Scroll to the "Discover" section of the "Course Offering Information" page. You will notice two expandable preference types, "Enrollment Rules," and "Approval," and a checkbox to make the course available so learners can self-enroll. Ensure the checkbox is checked so self-enrollment is active for the course.
4. Enrollment rules can optionally be set up but the only condition that may be configured are roles that enrollment should be limited to. In this example, no enrollment rules were set.
5. Approval is important as it will allow you to manage who can enroll in your course. If the "Require approval for self-enrollment requests" checkbox is not checked, students can enroll in your course without approval. In this example, approval is required.
6. After reviewing the "Course Offering Information" page and configuring settings, click the Save and Close button.
7. The course is discoverable now by clicking on Discover from your course page's navbar, but as an instructor, you will not see your course on the "Discover" page because you already have access to it. You will see every discoverable course though and students who are not enrolled will see your course from the "Discover" page.
8. In the below image example, the course titled, "Samuel Spartan Sandbox" does not appear on the "Discover" page. Instead, the only other discoverable course is visible. This reflects what an instructor can expect to see.9. In the next image example, the course titled, "Samuel Spartan Sandbox" appears on the "Discover" page, along with the only other discoverable course. This reflects what students who are not enrolled in the course will see after clicking Discover in the navbar from their Brightspace account homepage.
10. When a student clicks on a course card from the "Discover" page, they will be redirected to a course page that includes a course description and a Request Approval button since approval was selected as a requirement in this example.
11. There are a couple of ways to check an approval request. One option is to access your Brightspace account homepage and view the "My Courses" widget. From the widget, you will see a notification icon with a number badge. Click the icon to access the "Manage Requests" page.
12. From the "Manage Requests" page, you can approve, decline, or delete the request.
13. The second way to check an approval request is by clicking Discover from your account homepage navbar.
14. You will see a banner notification if there are pending approvals. Click View in the pending approval banner to access the "Manage Requests" page and confirm approval.
15. If you prefer to send the enrollment link to students, then you need to add the course offering ID to the end of the following URL: To obtain the course offering ID, access your Brightpace account homepage, then click on your course card. From the course page, copy the last several numbers of the URL. Reference the below image for an example of the course offering ID in the URL.
16. In this example, the enrollment URL for the Samuel Spartan Sandbox is When a student clicks the enrollment link, they will access the same course enrollment page that they can access by clicking Discover in the navbar.
18. You have successfully enabled self-enrollment for your course.