Replace strings are variables stored in curly brackets { } that are automatically replaced by the configured variable value.
Replace Strings in the Course Banner
1. To add a replace string to the course homepage, click on the three horizontal dots that appear when you hover over the course banner, then click Customize Banner Text from the drop-down menu.
2. In this example, the replace strings, {FirstName} and {OrgUnitName} are applied so the course banner welcomes students to the course by first name.
3. The banner now reads, "Welcome 'Student First Name' to 'Course Name.'"
Replace Strings in Course Widgets
1. To add replace strings to course widgets, click the arrow next to the widget name and then click Edit from the drop-down menu.
2. Note that the announcement widget automatically updated to include the {OrgUnitName} in the headline.
3. The announcement widget now includes the {OrgUnitName}.
Org Unit Replace String | Description | For Use In |
{OrgUnitId} | ID number of the organization unit | All tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{OrgUnitName} | Name of the organization unit | All tools that use Brightspace Editor, Metadata, Intelligent Agents |
{OrgUnitCode} | Code for the organization unit | All tools that use Brightspace Editor, Intelligent Agents |
{OrgUnitTypeId} | ID number of the type of organization unit | All tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{OrgUnitPath} | Path to files for the organization unit | All tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{OrgUnitType} | The current org unit's type (e.g. course offering, department) | Metadata |
{LongTitle} | Long title of the current module or topic | Metadata |
{ShortTitle} | Short title of the current module or topic | Metadata |
{OrgUnitStartDate} | Start date specified for the org unit | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
OrgUnitEndDate} | End date specified for the org unit | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
User Replace String (Unavailable in Content topics) |
Description | For Use In |
{UserId} | ID number of the user. This value is used internally by the system | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{UserName} | Full name of the user or the username entered to log on | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{OrgDefinedId} | Organization ID. This is an identifier specified by the campus for the user | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{FirstName} | First name of the user | Metadata |
{LastName} | Last name of the user | Metadata |
{Email} | User's internal email address | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{ExternalEmail} | User's external email address | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{InternalEmail} | User's internal email address | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{number} | Mobile number of the SMS recipient | Mobile Carrier Management |
{InitiatingUser} | User who performs the action that meets intelligent agent's criteria | Intelligent Agents, Email address fields (To, cc, bcc) |
{InitiatingUserAuditors} | Auditors for the user who performs the action that meets intelligent agent's criteria | Intelligent Agents, Email address fields (To, cc, bcc) |
{InitiatingUserFirstName} | First name of the initiating user | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
{InitiatingUserLastName} | Last name of the initiating user | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
{InitiatingUserUserName} | Username of the initiating user | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
{InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId} | Org Defined ID of the initiating user | Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
Role replace string (Unavailable in Content topics) |
Description | For Use In |
{RoleId} | Internal ID number for user's role | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{RoleCode} | Code for user's role | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
{RoleName} | Name of user's role | Tools that use Brightspace Editor |
Mail Template Replace String | Description | For Use In |
{HelpDeskEmail} | Email address of the Help Desk | Mail Template Management |
{HelpDeskName} | Name for the Help Desk | Mail Template Management |
{LoginPath} | URL of the login path for this site | Mail Template Management, Intelligent Agents, Email body text |
{PasswordResetLink} | Link for users to reset their passwords | Mail Template Management |
{PasswordResetExpiry} | The expiration period for the password | Mail Template Management |
{Timestamp} | The current date and time | Mail Template Management |